Saturday Enrichment Programs


Nurturing interests across various fields can be approached in different ways

Introducing our Saturday Enrichment Programs at Foundation School, designed to offer students an inspiring and engaging weekend learning experience. These programs go beyond the traditional classroom setting, providing a dynamic platform for exploration, creativity, and skill-building. From STEM workshops to arts and culture sessions, our Saturday programs cater to diverse interests, fostering a holistic development approach. Join us as we transform weekends into opportunities for growth, discovery, and meaningful interactions, all while having fun and expanding horizons at Foundation School.

Cultivating and delving deeply into various interests is a vital aspect of preparing students for their future professions. Foundation School recognizes the significance of this journey and offers an array of pathways through the Saturday Enrichment Programs (SER). These exceptional programs empower students to explore and nurture their talents in diverse domains such as Instrumental Music, Indian Music, Kathak Dance, Speech and Drama, Robotics, and Aeromodeling. Guided by accomplished professionals in these fields, students have the opportunity to learn and thrive.

Conducted on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays of each month from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, these programs provide a structured platform for growth. To further facilitate participation, the school extends transport services for students opting for these enriching opportunities. At Foundation School, we believe in fostering holistic development, equipping students with the skills they need to excel in their chosen paths.